Rhinna Morie
Originally a Xaela of a smaller scale, life and circumstance have left this lass appearing more a half Elezen than her origins would suggest. She dabbles in all sorts of arcane pursuits, of the book or of practical, and she seems to be most at home hidden away in her library, hunting down an obscure reference to a long forgotten myth that has caught her attention.That's not to say she doesn't get out; for a time, she was the de facto healer and alchemist for the mercenary company known as the Cerulean Sentinels. Though she's mostly gone her own way of late, she still keeps their medical cabinet stocked, and occasionally is called upon for more dire situations.She began her adventure as a scholar, but crossed paths at one point with an ancient tome held whisper of healing magicks using one's own blood - and the blood of their enemies - to sustain and heal; and though it certainly looks ominous, she's always quick to reassure that the results of healing via blood magic are far less strenuous upon the body than more common methods of healing.As for interpersonal relationships, she's often found in the company of a somewhat glum Viera as she continues research into her blood magic, and the aetherial tinkering that led to her current appearance; she's also been sequestered in the Studium of Old Sharlayan of late, where she most certainly hasn't been applying glamourie skills learned as a scholar to sneak into the forbidden sections. That would be absolutely ridiculous!General29
All RP welcomed, short, long, casual, whatever!OOC
Hi there, thanks for reading! I'm just a little gremlin who enjoys writing stories with people. IC=/=OOC, all that jazz. Sometimes I prefer rping in game, sometimes over discord! I'm nesra on there, feel free to add me.